Writing For The Sake of Writing

A Celebration of R C Sherriff
But once you've tasted the joy and excitement of writing you can never give it up. You can kid yourself that you've finished, but you can't stop new ideas from floating in. They whisper their temptations and nudge your elbow and go on exciting you until at last you give way. You go to your study and draw the curtains. You sharpen your old blunt pencils, take that enticing little story by the hand and begin another journey into the land of make-believe. Whether the story lasts the course doesn't matter, for nothing measures up to the excitement of the night when you begin it.
R C Sherriff 'No Leading Lady' 1968
5o years after his death, The R C Sherriff Trust are celebrating the work of one of Britain's most influential playwrights, screenwriters and authors with a series of events throughout 2025.
The Trust will also be promoting events and projects run by partner organisations.

The Fortnight in September
The Times Review 1/1/2025

The Vera Fletcher Hall
R C Sherriff Film Festival
Full details click HERE